Which conditions do not count as a disability?

By | March 13, 2025

Which conditions do not count as a disability?

Which conditions do not count as a disability?

Which conditions do not count as a disability?

Conditions That Do Not Count as a Disability in South Africa
In South Africa, not all medical conditions are considered disabilities. The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and the Employment Equity Act have specific criteria for determining what constitutes a disability. Here are some conditions that do not typically count as a disability:
  • Common illnesses: Short-term illnesses like the flu, common colds, or minor injuries are not considered disabilities.
  • Aging-related conditions: Conditions that are a natural part of aging, such as gray hair, wrinkles, or age-related hearing loss, are not considered disabilities.
  • Lifestyle choices: Conditions that are the result of lifestyle choices, such as obesity or smoking-related illnesses, may not be considered disabilities.
  • Temporary conditions: Temporary conditions, such as pregnancy or broken bones, are not considered disabilities.
  • Chronic conditions that are well-managed: Chronic conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, that are well-managed through medication or lifestyle changes may not be considered disabilities.
  • Mental health conditions that are not severe: Mental health conditions, such as stress or anxiety, that are not severe enough to impact daily life may not be considered disabilities.
  • Addictions: Addictions, such as substance abuse or addiction, are not considered disabilities.
  • Self-inflicted injuries: Self-inflicted injuries, such as self-inflicted wounds or intentional poisoning, are not considered disabilities.
It’s essential to remember that each case is unique, and the determination of whether a condition is a disability is made on a case-by-case basis. If you’re unsure whether your condition is considered a disability, consult with a medical professional or a disability advocate for guidance.

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