For SASSA Grant 2023-2024

By | February 23, 2023

For SASSA Grant 2023-2024

For SASSA Grant 2023-2024: SASSA Status Check

A government program called the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Grant helps financially distressed South African citizens and households. The program’s objectives include reducing poverty and raising the standard of living for people who are unable to support themselves because of a disability, advanced age, or other circumstances.

The SASSA Grant offers a number of grant options, including funding for care dependents, foster children, older people, people with disabilities, and child support. To those who qualify and need continuing support and meet certain requirements, these grants offer financial aid.

In South Africa, the SASSA Grant is essential for combating poverty and fostering social inclusion. It assists needy people and households in obtaining their bare necessities and raising their standard of living. Since its beginnings, the program has assisted countless South Africans, and it is still a crucial component of the nation’s social assistance system.

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Who Is Qualified To Receive SASSA Grant

To qualify beneficiaries in South Africa, SASSA (South African Social Security Agency) offers a variety of social grants. The major SASSA grants are listed below, along with the requirements for applying:

  • Old Age Grant: This grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are 60 years or older and who are not receiving any other social grant.
  • Disability Grant: This grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are between 18 and 59 years of age and who are medically certified as being permanently or temporarily disabled.
  • Child Support Grant: This grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are responsible for the care of a child under the age of 18 and who are not receiving any other social grant.
  • Foster Child Grant: This grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are responsible for the care of a child who has been placed in their care by a court order and who is not receiving any other social grant.
  • Care Dependency Grant: This grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are responsible for the care of a child who is disabled and who is medically certified as being permanently disabled and in need of permanent care.
  • Grant-in-Aid: This grant is available to South African citizens or permanent residents who are receiving any of the above social grants and who require assistance with their daily activities due to illness, disability or old age.

The eligibility for SASSA grants may change from time to time, so it is advisable to check with the agency for the latest information.


SASSA pays out grants on a monthly basis. The specific months in which SASSA pays out grants may vary depending on the type of grant and the recipient’s payment method.

Generally, SASSA pays out grants on the following dates:

  • Older Person Grants: On the first day of the month
  • Disability Grants: On the first day of the month
  • Child Support Grants: On the first day of the month
  • Foster Child Grants: On the first day of the month
  • Care Dependency Grants: On the first day of the month
  • Grant-In-Aid: On the first day of the month
  • Social Relief of Distress: As and when the need arises

It’s important to note that these payment dates are subject to change, so it’s best to confirm with SASSA or your financial institution for the most up-to-date information. sassa status check


SASSA ( South African Social Security Agency) Contact Information:

  • SASSA Head Office: 012 400 2000
  • SASSA toll-free Helpline: 0800 60 10 11
  • SASSA Email:

For more information, visit the official website;

The information we have provided will help all applicants know more about the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), you can also click this link for further details.










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