NSFAS Application For UNISA 2023

By | December 13, 2022

NSFAS Application For UNISA 2023

How to apply for NSFAS 2023 at Unisa,NSFAS Application For UNISA 2023

How to apply for NSFAS 2023 at Unisa,NSFAS Application For UNISA 2023

Learn more about the application procedure here if you want to apply for an NSFAS bursary at UNISA.Potential scholarship applicants have access to the NSFAS Application thanks to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) committee.

Students receive monthly stipends from NSFAS, and occasionally their school will also provide financial aid.The University of South Africa processes allowance payments for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) twice a month (Unisa).
The processing of allowances will take place during the first and third weeks of each month.NSFAS reimbursements and allowances will be deposited into student accounts via the new electronic fund transfer (EFT) method that Unisa will deploy.Only those who meet the criteria will receive compensation.

NSFAS Application For UNISA 2023

Applying for NSFAS 2023 requires the following steps.

  • Log in using your myNsfas credentials.
  • Give Nsfas the information it needs.
  • Pick “Apply.”
  • Click the next button once you have completed entering all necessary information (parents’, mothers’, guardians’, spouses’, or spouses’ information for married students).
  • You must upload the relevant files after completing all forms and processes.
  • Select “Next” after uploading each of the necessary papers.
  • After confirming that the data and documents you supplied are correct, click “submit”.

Documents Needed for UNISA NSFAS Applications

  • your birth certificate or South African identification card, certified. Underage individuals who lack a green bar-coded ID or smart ID card must present a verified copy of their unabridged birth certificate.
  • Parental or guardian identification (death certificate)
  • Parental or guardian identification (and a death certificate if applicable).
  • Identification for each resident in your home
  • You may provide proof of your own or your guardian’s annual household income if you are employed, such as pay stubs or appointment letters. (This applies to all sources of income for all members of the family, including grants from SASSA, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), and retirement, life, disability, or other benefits received in a single payment or over the course of a year.)
    a copy of your most recent test results or transcript that has been certified. (You are exempt from submitting this if you are currently in Grade 12.)
  • registrar’s records for the university (if applicable)
  • travel and lodging paperwork (if applicable)
  • Download the consent form, fill it out, and give a copy to each person whose income has been reported.

NSFAS Application Status UNISA 2023/2024


  • candidates seeking admission for the 2023 academic year and those hoping to begin their first undergraduate degrees.
  • returning students who skipped a year of school in 2023, did not finish their undergraduate degree and did not go over the N+ cap.
  • Returning and new students who did not register for classes the previous academic year in 2023 will be accepted by NSFAS.
  • Students who want to change from getting financial aid through another NSFAS bursary to the DHET grant.
  • Individuals Who May Not Submit A UNISA NSFAS Application
  • If you received funds from NSFAS in 2023, your application won’t be taken into account.
  • a certificate or degree from an undergraduate program.
  • if You are not a citizen of South Africa.
  • require funds to cover the cost of a program, a temporary certificate, or a postgraduate degree.

NSFAS Bursary Application Deadline

Important Information: The new NSFAS 2023 application deadline has been set for Friday, January 21, 2023. The prior cutoff date was last Friday, January 7, 2023.

Related Links;

nsfas online application consent form download
required documents for nsfas online application
what requirements are needed to apply for nsfas
how to apply to nsfas online
online application form for nsfas bursary

for more information on Nsfas click 

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