NSFAS Cput Online Application 2023/2024
How much is the application fee at CPUT for 2023, NSFAS Cput Online Application 2023/2024
If you need financial assistance to attend CPUT, submit an application through this article for a National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) scholarship. Undergraduate students in South Africa may receive financial aid through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), a government initiative, to help defray the cost of their post-secondary education. The NSFAS program is available to students who lack the funds to pay for their education but are unable to obtain bank loans, study loans, or bursaries thanks to funding provided by the Department of Higher Education and Training. To follow and use, additional information has been provided below.
NSFAS CPUT Online Application
On a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can complete an online application. Please follow these easy steps to apply:
- Step 1:
Select “myNSFAS” from the drop-down menu at www.nsfas.org.za.
- Step 2:
Create a myNSFAS account.
- Step 3:
Reply to the questions that come on the screen after selecting the ‘APPLY’ tab.
- Step 4:
After including all necessary supplementary materials, click “submit”.
Your application reference number will show up on the screen after you click “submit.” Emails with the reference number will also be sent to your mobile phone number and email address.
Application for CPUT NSFAS Document
The following documents need to be certified copies, and they can’t be older than three months. The South African Police Service or the South African Post Office must certify your documentation. This also holds true if you are under 18 or above 18 but STILL DEPENDENT on your parent’s or guardian’s combined family income:
- a verified copy of your birth certificate or South African ID. You must present a certified copy of your unabridged birth certificate if you are under 16 years old and do not have a green bar-coded ID or smart ID card.
- IDs for the guardians or parents (death certificate)
- IDs for the guardians or parents (death certificate if applicable)
- IDs for every resident of your home
- If you are employed, you may provide proof of your own or your guardian’s yearly household income in the form of pay stubs or appointment letters. (This rule is valid for all sources of income for all family members, including grants from SASSA, the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), retirement, life, disability, or other benefits received in a single payment or over the course of a course of a year.)
- a certified copy of your most recent transcript or set of test results. (If applicable)
- You don’t need to submit this if you’re in grade 12 right now.)
- records from the university’s registrar (if applicable)
- travel and lodging documentation (if applicable)
- Download the consent form, complete it, and have each applicant who has declared income sign it.
- If you have a disability, download and complete the Disability Annexure A Form.
NSFAS Benefits For Applicants 2023/2024
What NSFAS Bursaries Cover
here are what NSFAS bursaries cover at colleges and universities
- Amounts indicated for accommodation,
- living allowance,
- transport
- learning materials need to be aligned with the approved latest DHET guidelines.
- Accommodation
- As per the actual costs charged by the university (costs for private accommodation must not exceed costs for university residence)
- Transport (up to 40 km from the institution) R7 500 per annum
- Living allowance R15, of 000 per annum
- Book allowances R5200 per annum
- Incidental/personal care allowance R2900 per annum for students in catered residences
- Accommodation in an urban area R24,000 per annum
- Accommodation in a peri-urban area R18,900 per annum
- Accommodation in a rural area R15,750 per annum
- Transport (up to 40 km from the institution) R7,350 per annum
- Transport R7000 per annum
- Incidental/personal care allowance R2900 per annum
Who Is Eligible For The Scholarship
If you are a citizen of South Africa and intend to enroll in school in 2023, or if you are currently enrolled in a public university or TVET college, and you match the following criteria, you are eligible for an NSFAS bursary.
- the SASSA grantees or
- Your household’s total income is less than R350 000 per year,
- a disabled individual whose annual household income is not greater than R600 000 or
- Students whose home income is not more than R122 000 per year and who started their university studies before 2020
NSFAS Bursary Closing Date
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The application deadline for NSFAS 2022 has been extended to Friday, January 21, 2023. The earlier cutoff date was Friday, January 7, 2023.